12 April, 2014

Cyclone ITA Blew in Some New thoughts and Blew Away Some OTHERS!

I sit here tonight in Port Douglas waiting for Cyclone ITA.  The three golf units are closed and the shutters are down and I am ready to rumble.
The generator is humming out the back just waiting to see what turn up.

I love what mother nature delivers, good, bad and the terrible.  For me there is a peace of mind and the knowing you are in the hands of something greater.   The wind has now picked up and the whistle has started.
Now the games starts.
1.    What you think.
2.    How you think.
3.    What you believe.
4.    What you feel.
5.    Your actions, should the unit blow a part.
6.    Your rehearsed emergency drill which is planted in your mind.
I see it as the competition against the elements, it is not to be feared but to be tested.  Who dares wins.  As every unsure noise  bounces off the unit, the chatter begins and the doubts start to glow and then the higher self takes control.  This is a skill for Life!

It got me thinking about my  Business and where it is heading. 
1. Did I have the same urgency and passion
2. Was there the same competition
3. is it something greater than I am seeing
4. Have I rehearsed the results and expectation
5. Am I in control of chatter
Or am I waiting for the perfect storm to fly.

Just as this thought came into my head, the unit received a bang on the door.  There were four people who asked to come in and stay.
They were scared, wet and worried and after a hot coffee and a SAO they sat down in silence.
I just kept writing in my journal and asked, If it was OK to play the Pro Marketers Call for the week, because I had missed it.
Within about 10 minutes the group of four had completed surrendered their fear and focus on the Cyclone.  When the call finished they asked if there was another one to listen too. So we did.

As the wind howled, the unit whined and creaked, the questions and realizations became clear to me and to one member of the four. Her comment “blue me away”

“You must be so happy to have a program which has so much power and delivers so much comfort.  I forgot that the eyes are the windows to the soul and it is what you immerse yourself with that you will receive.”

It got me thinking,
1.     Have all of us actual learnt some or part of the Beyond Freedom Principles and just forgotten about them.
2.    Or are they easy for people to understand.

I believe BFE is easily explained using the Cyclone

You get blown and push at the beginning, you either leave or fight
The belief and realization gets clear for that brief moment
Then you a tested by the elements until you find clear focus

In answer to questions above “Do we have something Greater”
I believe we have.. 

I decided tonight not to wait for the perfect storm, but to create my own perfect storm.
The power is in the content of Beyond Freedom Evolution
The application is in our hands!

07 April, 2014

Home Business Entrepreneurs-The New Wealth Builders!

Dreams are made those who dare to be different.
Dreams are made by those who have experienced loss but don't want to stop trying.
Dreams are made by those who just know their is something better out there.
Dreams are made by those who place the actions before the wishing.
Dreams are made from bold decisions and bolder actions.
Dreams are made by people who haven't seen but believe it is possible.
Dreams are created because these people believe in themselves.

About 7 years ago I thought that the idea of creating money was to turn up and do your job or (business in my case) and do it better than the next bloke.

Little did I know back then was, that money is used for today and wealth is earn't in the future.  I wasn't putting much money away, because we weren't earning much after all the costs etc.

My hours were extensive and long and I was away from home working about 11 months of the year and only came home when I needed a hair cut.

Each year we got bigger, worked longer and earn't more, but the cost just kept rising.  Then the world saw the GFC and I saw the end (or so I thought ) of what I was creating.

I started working online just to earn money for now, not the future.

I tried many sorts of $5 -$50 dollar business options, surveys,  affiliates etc and made money for now.  I made enough, just to keep me interested and hopeful and expectant.

After a bout 12 months I found this business I am working now and I struggled with the meaning of what it was meant to be, for me.

  • A home business -didn't sit right with me
  • A work from home opportunity- it wasn't like all the rest
  • A great online opportunity- it was bigger and better than that
  • Best Home Business- I was earning better income than that implied
  • Nq Lifestyle Business- it was a lifestyle but the income became more consistent
I ended up calling myself the Home Business Entrepreneurs.  I liked the name of it, it had great definition but I wanted the business name to have branding.

I didn't want to linked with the home business $50 club for a number of reasons,

  1. Our investment was higher and we had 3 levels to start at!
  2. I wanted people who had a big goal to work towards of $100 000 plus.
  3. I was looking for people who wanted to build a long term business plan.
  4. I wanted people who were prepared to learn the business to create results.
  5. I wanted long term investors who received short time results.
Our business isn't just a Home Business- It is a new way to build wealth

  • Like any investment you need to work out whether it is going to suit your needs.
  •  Like any investments it can take time to start making the income you desire. 
  •  Like any investment it won't suit everybody you show it too.
This investment isn't just an investment of money to create money.

This is an investment into your family and into you.

Our Industry is worth over $65 Billion Dollars and growing at 11% annually.  People today are actively looking to get the edge, secure their futures and offer their kids a brighter and better future and grow wealth which is usually only seen by the top 2 % of the world.

We invite you look for yourself.  http://www.thbe.com.au
Ask us how you can be our FREE guest in Sydney July 12.

Creating Wealth Starts and Stays with your family -The Home Business Entrepreneurs www.thbe.com.au